A sunset over the hill

June 9, 2023
                                      Well Now It’s Time to Say Goodbye

To Jed and all his Kin


            Perhaps you saw the Headnote on the front page.   Sometime soon, we are thinking the middle of September, we are going to close Bill James Online, and I am going to focus on other projects.  

            First of all, thank you for asking, my health is fine.   To the best of my knowledge I’m not dying any faster than the rest of you.  My worst health problem is that my beard needs trimming. 

            To put the reasons for the shutdown into one sentence, it would be that I want to focus on writing books.  This website consumes so much of time and energy that I have found it impossible to focus on other projects.   Not ALL of my "other projects" are books, but let’s stay with that, because you can’t stop exercising and you can’t stop walking your dog; those things are not options.  I’m not retiring, or anything crazy like that. 

            Or to put the reasons for the shutdown into one different sentence, we have pushed the economic insanity of this as far as we can push it.  I don’t know how much I have earned for the hours I have put into this over the years, but I can tell you great confidence that is nowhere near the minimum wage.  Actually, LOTS of people who blog about baseball and other stuff aren’t making anywhere near the minimum wage either, and God bless them, but when you have better options, then the decision to put your time into THIS, rather than THAT, amounts to working for negative money.   A sensible man can only do that for so long, not that I am claiming to be a sensible man.  A sensible man would have done this ten years ago.  

            Or to put the reasons for the shutdown in a different sentence, you have to understand that I am TERRIBLE businessman.  I mean, I’m awful.  I have had many opportunities over the years to supervise other people, edit them, organize them, etc.   I have failed on every occasion when I had the opportunity to do this.   I have made a good living anyway, because I do have some virtues, and John Dewan and Rylan Edwards and Theo Epstein and other people have been kind enough to spackle over some of my failings and continue to work with me, but I’m just telling you:  I ain’t no businessman.   The position I am in here, running a theoretically profit-making enterprise like Bill James Online, requires several abilities that I just don’t seem to have.  Sorry. 

            Bill James Online has not been a failure on all levels.  I started this project to have a place to publish my ideas, my research, my work. . . a place to publish all that without having to deal with no annoying editor, lawyer, publicist or other person.   That’s been a complete success.   I mean, maybe what I should have figured out sooner is that it is the editors, lawyers, publicists and other annoying people who know how to make money by your writing, but on the simplest level, I HAVE been able to publish whatever fool drivel came into my head, with no interference from anybody.  This has been great, for me.  I have absolutely loved that part of it. 

            And also, I believe. . .and this is just my opinion. . .but I believe that I have done the best work of my career here.  What I do is, I come up with ideas, I develop them up to a point, and then I release them.   I push them out of the nest; they’re on their own.

            At certain points of my career, many, many people have developed an interest in my ideas, and many hundreds of people have picked up one of my ideas or several of my ideas and developed them into mature, productive concepts, products, businesses or research efforts.   That was very gratifying.  I shouldn’t say it was; it still happens, and it still is.     

            That hasn’t really happened here, at least to the same extent.   It has happened SOMETIMES, a little bit, here and there, but most of the ideas first outlined here have floated quietly past the city in the middle of the night.   That’s disappointing, but it’s not THAT disappointing.   I don’t assess the value of my own ideas by how many people react to them immediately and in what way.   I’ve had silly ideas that became famous; I have had great ideas that nobody ever said a word about.   I still believe in those orphaned ideas.   The hook may find a fish eventually.  If it doesn’t, well. . .I’ve done OK.  I’m sure any person who produced ideas for a living would say the same thing; I am sure they ALL left behind them a few thousand orphaned ideas.  I am sure that Don Draper died with a thousand ideas for great commercials that never got made.  It’s normal. 

            And you have to understand:  I worked more or less in isolation for a long time before my ideas caught fire.  I developed my ideas for several years before I began writing about them.  I wrote about them for several years before I was picked up by a national publisher.  Then we had a period of ten to twenty years in which people like us were getting organized, getting together, making progress on what we are doing, but the dominant establishment of the game hated us, hated our work, and denounced and insulted us regularly.  

            I’m used to being ignored.  My childhood prepared me for that.   I mean, I enjoy it when people adopt my ideas, advance them, celebrate them.  I also enjoy a good movie, a good book, a Red Sox game or a Kansas Jayhawk basketball game or a glass of wine.   What’s important to me is that I had the chance to say what I had to say.   BJOL has not been a failure because the world did not pick up on my ideas in the way that I might have hoped.

            And the other thing is, and I guess this is really the bigger thing, that I have had the opportunity to interact with my audience in ways that are intellectually productive.   It is YOUR ideas that have made this phase of my career productive from my standpoint. 

            It frustrates me that people still imagine that sabermetrics is about statistics.   Sabermetrics doesn’t have anything at all to do with statistics, and we don’t use numbers any more than a doctor does, or an architect, or an economist.   What do you think doctors do?  They create ways to measure things, things about your body, things about your health.  They have reference to thousands and thousands and thousands of statistics that the medical community has created about every little part of your body, the thickness of the walls of your heart and the amount of iron in your blood and the amount of nitrogen in your blood and the amount of every other known substance that can be found in your blood or your hair or your sweat or saliva.  If you want to know how many days of your life you could be expected to lose if you put on 1.7 pounds, your doctor could tell you if he wanted to, because of the hundreds of studies done by other doctors.   This is what we do.  We measure everything that we can conceivably come up with to measure, so that we can answer questions like "If the first baseman moves one step to his left against right-handed hitters, how many hits would that save over the course of a season?"  If you would rather have a doctor who pats you on the back and says "You’re lookin’ great, Charley," good luck to you.

            Yes, we use statistics a lot.  A painter uses a paint brush, we might say, every time that he paints.  (I know that some painters don’t.  Don’t patronize me.)  A painter uses a paint brush with every painting that he paints, but when you interview a painter, you ask him about his paintings, not about his paint brushes.   What is your favorite paint brush?  How many paint brushes do you own?  Where do you buy your paint brushes?  Who gave you your first paint brush?  When did you fall in love with paint brushes?  How old were you when you got your first paint brush?  What company makes the best paint brushes, do you think?  What makes a great paint brush?  Do you only use pencil-thin paint brushes, or do you start with a wide brush?  Do you think beaver hair makes the best paint brush, or camel hair?  How do you feel about plastic bristles in a paint brush, are those OK with you, or are you a purist who only uses paint brushes made from nature?  Do you like the feel of a plastic paint brush handle, or do you only use wood?  Do you collect antique paint brushes?   Do you like a short, stiff bristle, or a soft bristle?  If you are painting something green, do you like to use a green paint brush?  Because my Aunt June, when she paints a rose, she likes to use a red paint brush. 

            There are a million questions you COULD ask a painter about paint brushes, but this is not what we usually do.  We usually talk about the paintings, not the paint brushes.  I am a landscape painter who has spent his life answering questions about paint brushes.   My paintings—that is, the conclusions of my studies--are treated by many in the media as if they were accidental outcomes that arose from having so many paint brushes in the room.  It will wear on your nerves a little bit. I started BJOL in large part to have a place I could go to discuss the issues I care about with people who have some understanding of the issues.  On that level and for the most part, this site has been a tremendous success.  What I have most enjoyed, what I think most of you have most enjoyed, is the questions.  

            What I live for is to find a good question.   A good question has three elements:  (1) that there is an answer, (2) that I do not know what the answer is, better yet if no one knows what the answer is, and (3) that it makes a difference, that there is some situation in baseball in which someone would behave differently if he or she knows the answer than if they do not. 

            In "Hey, Bill" maybe one question in 50 is a good question, and yes, there are morons among you who insist on asking me questions about paint brushes, excuse me, statistics.  But a good question will make my life meaningful for two hours or two weeks.  It keeps me going.   It will keep me from sleeping at night, true, but it will keep me from sleeping through the morning. 

            In the approximately 1,000 weeks that I have been answering "Hey, Bill" questions, you have given me hundreds of good questions.  Those questions, and the work I have done to find the answers to them, will be a part of my work for as long as I am able to work.   I hope to have the time now to do another version of The Historical Abstract—not that that is #1 on my list of books I am trying to focus on—but I do hope to get to that.  If I do, you will be in there.  The questions you have asked me will be in there.   You have brought to my attention questions that I was too blind to see for myself.  You have led me to focus on issues that were hiding under rocks, hiding under second base, hiding behind the left field wall and hiding in the dugout runway.   This has been of immense value to me, and I appreciate it.   But now I need to take the gifts that you have given me, and put them in a place where we will hope that a few more people will see them. 



COMMENTS (72 Comments, most recent shown first)

Although I am not a frequent contributor to the site, I try to log on every day
When I first joined, I was an analytics skeptic and now I find myself trying to learn
more about it. I have always enjoyed your annual but to understand the way Baseball decisions are made both on the field and off you really have to have at least some basic understanding of analytics. I amazed at the hostility by writers and fans but not surprised.
I know as much about "business models as I do about nuclear physics but I do know
that you are a terrific writer and I will really miss the daily offerings of yourself and that of the other members of Bill James Online
Best Regards

1:14 PM Jul 17th
Thank you for everything you've put into this site for years, it really will be brutally missed when it's gone.

Have you given any thought to passing on calculations like Win Shares and HOF value to another site or database where the information can be tracked and accessed? People who believe in statistics really value these stats and believe in the merits they may have over things like WAR. I wish I could archive it all myself in two months but that doesn't seem possible.

Best of luck in your future endeavors sir.
1:02 PM Jul 4th
Totally understand Bill. Loved the site but always loved your books even more. Looking forward to the next chapter of Bill James.
11:09 AM Jul 4th
Totally understand Bill. Loved the site but always loved your books even more. Looking forward to the next chapter of Bill James.
11:09 AM Jul 4th
Totally understand Bill. Loved the site but always loved your books even more. Looking forward to the next chapter of Bill James.
11:09 AM Jul 4th
Totally understand Bill. Loved the site but always loved your books even more. Looking forward to the next chapter of Bill James.
11:09 AM Jul 4th
This piece is brilliantly written. Much thought clearly went into it, and the sincerity is evident.

On the negative side, I stopped reading and submitting to "Hey Bill" because I didn't find that Bill put much thought into reading the questions. In a sense, it seemed to me, he didn't read them at all. He acted like an important celebrity who didn't have time for them and assumed everyone was an idiot. It is the celebrities who don't do that who really get something from these kinds of interactions. Falling into the trap that Bill did is natural, but not inevitable.
2:57 PM Jun 29th
First, thank you for your efforts over the years and the many hours of enjoyment you have provided. Second, if there is any way possible to make year by year Win Shares for individual players (hitting, pitching, fielding) available after the site shuts down, I hope it will be considered. WAR alone is not enough, and access to yearly Win Shares was one of the primary reasons I became a member of Bill James Online.
10:07 PM Jun 22nd
Brock Hanke
Like everybody else, I have a thought about monetizing BJOL enough to make it worth the time it costs you to do it. People have mentioned a Best of BJOL One-Shot Book. But, you put up enough GOOD stuff in BJOL over the course of each year to fuel a book just from that year.

What if, every time you do a good study or have a good Hey Bill! thread, you just flag it as "candidate for the annual?" The annual would be THAT YEAR'S annual for BJOL. A group of content editors - not you, to save your time, but the Big BJOL Contributors - could pick from the flagged material what would appear in the Annual, and then turn it over to a publisher's editor for format and such.

You wouldn't have to do anything beyond contributing to BJOL as you do now, except flag your best stuff AS IT COMES OUT over the year. NO year-end crunch. That's for your content editors, who would be, as I said, the Big Contributors to BJOL other than yourself. I imagine the Content Editors might well volunteer their time for this, especially as it could itself be done as the year progressed, instead of being THEIR year-end crunch.
2:45 AM Jun 20th
It is disappointing to hear that the site is ending soon. I did submit several Hey Bills, and it was always great to actually have an exchange with the guy who wrote the Baseball Abstract, Whatever Happened to the Hall of Fame?, etc. I'd have a question or even an idea of my own and would want to hear what Bill James thought of it. Thanks for your time!
5:37 PM Jun 19th
Ernie Banks said, “The measure of a man is in the lives he's touched. “ By that standard, Bill, your work here -- making this site available, challenging us and encouraging our questions, sharing your ideas with this community-- is a legacy of the greatest measure.
9:32 AM Jun 19th
Well, all good things must come to an end, and this has been a very good thing. I have enjoyed it so much over the last 15 years. If it's archived, then I will revisit it constantly. So much good stuff, and there's nothing like it anywhere else.

Best wishes, Bill, I hope that things go well with whatever things you turn your attention to.

Apologies for the late reply...I was up in the mountains without a signal.
3:27 AM Jun 16th
I would also echo the hope that the site is archived, à la Grantland. About a year or two ago I started reading all your articles on here from the beginning, but I'm still only up through about 2019. If it's not going to be archived it would be nice to know so that I can try to speed through up to the present before the site closes!
12:05 AM Jun 16th
Thanks Bill. This site has done so much for me. I had met some good friends, read a lot of great stuff and got to write some of my own projects for the people on this site.
6:27 PM Jun 13th
"Hey Bill" was BY FAR my favorite part of BJOL, I absolutely loved the non-baseball conversations and the though provoking answers. Even if I disagreed with the answer I would learn from the different/new point of view that nobody has thought of or is afraid of saying in public.

Thanks for everything and I will terribly miss "Hey Bill"

Luis Lozada
3:29 PM Jun 13th
I posted this on Reader Posts but it also belongs here pertaining to the write-up about tools and that the creation is due to the artist, not the tools:

Science, especially physics has this problem with math: math is the tool but often now math is used as the explanation/understanding. Feynman and others have stated - "don't try to understand quantum mechanics, just do the math." Hopefully sabermetrics will not evolve into 'just do the math'.
12:25 AM Jun 13th

I hope you know how meaningful your contributions to the best sporting the world have been and continue to be- but more than that I hope you know how much more edifying you have made the sport of baseball to many of us fans. You are a remarkable man and I hope that one day you'll rightly be in the Hall of Fame - you deserve that and so much more. I will look forward to continuing to chat occasionally on twitter or in other places and, if for some strange reason, you ever find yourself in Southern California - well, you know, you have a pal and an admirer there. Best always and than you again.
12:24 PM Jun 12th
Thank you for this space and your deep engagement with us for the last two decades. I feel really lucky to have had this window into your thinking and habits of mind.
8:45 AM Jun 12th
With y'all mentioning the Historical Abstract....
Some time in the winter of 1985-86 I was on a vacation in the Caribbean....I would say "romantic" vacation but what follows will tend to undermine that.
I saw a guy on the beach sitting in the sand, reading the Historical Abstract.
I was jealous, and quietly cursed that I hadn't brought my copy.
And BTW it's the only thing I remember of that trip.
9:58 PM Jun 11th
Bill James ... thank you for the online entertainment and education. I look forward reading your next published works.
9:29 PM Jun 11th
You know Mr. James I hope you get a little choked up. There's a lot of sweet stuff here. You've earned it. If someone asks you how you spent your life, show them this page. They'll understand.
9:24 PM Jun 11th
Hey Bill, thank you very much. It’s been a great pleasure. You created something unique here and I’m sorry to see it go. We’ll hold you to those forthcoming books. Best of luck.
5:57 PM Jun 11th
Bill, Thanks so much for having the Bill James Online site for all these years. It's been an honor and a privilege to have read all your articles, and your Hey Bill responses, as well as having access to all the incredible information on this site. I have learned so much from it, not just about baseball but also about the importance of effective communication and logical thinking. While I will miss this site (beyond all the articles and studies, having the Win Shares info for each player was awesome, and hope someone could take over that and keep it going somehow), I do look forward to reading any and all books your write in the upcoming years. As others have noted, I would love to read an update to the Historical Baseball Abstract. When I first saw and purchased the original one almost 40 years ago I was and still am in awe of that book (as well as the updated version). It's still my all-time favorite sports book! I wish you the very best of health and success in your future endeavors and best to you and your family.
4:11 PM Jun 11th
Long live Bill James. Thanks for keeping this going as long as you did.
12:34 PM Jun 11th
Our Bill is shutting down the hoosegow. Well well
Put out another Historical Abstract and we will meet again.
12:25 PM Jun 11th
I subscribe to the web site and have read your Abstracts and Baseball Books since they became nationally available for the reasons you mention here, that you have created a unique blend of art and science, using numbers as the foundation of what really matters, which is an enlightening and entertaining way of understanding a subject (baseball) that is far more complicated than appears on the surface. Thank you for that. I was a baseball fan long before I ever heard of you, but you elevated my understanding and appreciation of the game more than i can say.

A second point: as a writer myself, I understand the competing demands of artistic and financial reward. I have made peace with the idea that my books have a small but loyal cadre of readers and that i will never make an appreciable money from them. That's fine. I'm retired from the day job now, so i write and send books off to my small indie publisher and i sit on panels at conferences and I take the part of writing that I enjoy while leaving aside the rest. It's all about what I call living on the upside of the Reward to Bullshit Curve, and I wish you the best of lick at it.

For the time being, I'll look forward to what comes next. Rest assured I'll read it.

All the best to you and your family.​
11:24 AM Jun 11th
I know it's a forlorn hope, but I'd like to see you get back to the kind of annuals you used to write (Abstracts, Baseball Books)--light on raw stats, heavy on player and team commentary. Nobody is filling that void these days. Baseball Prospectus was good for many years, but their best writers moved on.

8:50 AM Jun 11th
Thanks for everything, Bill. Getting to write for this site was a highlight. And getting to meet you at Fenway and take a tour of the field was a thrill. I appreciate the fact that you, your work, and this site, have all made a substantial impact in my life. Be well, stay safe, and take care.
12:19 AM Jun 11th
Thank you, Mr. James. Looking forward to your future endeavors.
10:27 PM Jun 10th
Well, I did my best.

But 49 of you really let me down.

10:24 PM Jun 10th
The ability to interact with you one on one and discuss your thoughts has been a great pleasure. This site filled the spot where I had read something you wrote and was dying to ask the next question or idea. I will miss it greatly but look forward to your next project. All the best.
10:03 PM Jun 10th
Thanks for everything Bill, particularly the insights and methods I applied to my own data analysis career. As a reader since the first Ballantine Abstract, I have enjoyed the recent discussions on the challenges of Sabermetrics in the early years. I will be looking forward to you next projects, whatever they may be, and I hope paths cross again. Wishing you and Susie the best!
9:37 PM Jun 10th
Thanks for everything, Bill, and best of wishes as you start the next chapter of your story. Enjoy it!​
8:52 PM Jun 10th
This site has been a pleasure to read and an honor to participate in. I will miss it.
6:40 PM Jun 10th
BJOL has been a part of my life for a number of years now, and its absence will definitely create a void.​
6:35 PM Jun 10th
As someone roughly the same age as you, I have enjoyed the discussion of players from the 1950's and 1960's immensely. I am sorry to see BJOL disappear, but I must agree with you that you have not been a good businessman on this site. Most of us would have been willing to pay much more so we could check in every day.

I do look forward to seeing more books. You might find it unexciting to produce an updated Historical Baseball Abstract, or an updated book on managers, but many of us would be excited to see those in print.
6:26 PM Jun 10th
Thanks for doing this, Bill. When I was growing up reading your books, I would have been so thrilled to know that I could one day ask you questions and get your responses. I hope you swing by enemy territory in NYC and I can buy you your drink of choice. Again, thank you!
6:22 PM Jun 10th
I'm sorry you won't be at the site anymore, but I'm glad you will be writing more books. It's been a great ride.

Craig Zedalis
6:05 PM Jun 10th
Looking forward to your book-long examinations of baseball questions that need a new look in a new era. Is there a book on true baseball crime in there? From Ty Cobb's childhood trauma to Denny McLain's unapproved anticipation of baseball's future embrace of bookmaking?
As a peer of yours in time on earth and someone who retired in 2020, I feel I should let you know it ain't that bad, but then again only about three people were interested in whether i was going to continue to write.
5:28 PM Jun 10th
Thanks for everything, Bill.

You have changed the way I think about sports and therefore life. There are not too many things more important than that, at least to me.

Best of luck in the future.

3:34 PM Jun 10th
To echo everyone else, thanks for everything (hard to believe a word like everything actually understates our collective feeling) and here’s hoping the website can somehow stay open even if our captain heads out.
3:12 PM Jun 10th
Sorry to hear about this. I'm going to miss BJOL - in part because of your writings posted here, in part because of my opportunity to interact with you and in part because of the Reader Posts section which has turned out to be a pretty special place with some good baseball conversation including some first class research.

Let me echo MarisFan about the Win Shares data. As best as I can tell, the only place online to get both current and historical WS data is here at BJOL and the only other place get WS data anywhere is in your annual Handbook. It'd be a shame, not just for the BJOL readers, but also for the baseball world, if there was nowhere online to get WS data.
2:59 PM Jun 10th
Thank you Bill for everything!!
2:51 PM Jun 10th
I am very sad now.
2:40 PM Jun 10th
I love that title, "A Sunset Over the Hill." It's like a banana cream pie soaked in chocolate gravy or something; I don't think you get near enough credit for how much fun you have with language.

I find myself thinking two things over all else:

1. I can't wait for your books, including and especially a new take on the Historical Abstract. Your Historical Abstracts are our community's version of the Star Wars series, and even if you put out a new one every couple of years we'd still line up around the block for the next one.

2. BJOL has an accumulation of writing that will likely never wind up in bound volumes, but it would be a tragic waste to not archive it in some way for future generations.

Also, reader posts is a long-standing community with several regular posters going back to 2008. We would hate to lose all that content, and while we can find another bar, the archived message board itself is our memories. I think it would be worth the effort to find it a home. I might be able to help, if you don't already have a plan.
2:35 PM Jun 10th
How about a book of the 'Best of Hey Bill'

Lots of information in that.
2:24 PM Jun 10th
I just wanted to say thank you for everything you provided at this site, especially the Hey Bills. This has been a community of smart and interesting people (led by you of course) that has provided me with endless hours of entertainment and which consistently sent me down rat holes for even more fun and inquisitiveness (not just baseball, but movies, popular culture, crime, etc.)

I will miss this site, but if we get another Historical Abstract out of it, it will be a fine bargain.

Thanks again!
2:14 PM Jun 10th
MarisFan61 -- Trying to imagine Christgau in grade school...The only kid ever who, at the end of the day, graded the teacher: "Loved the math lesson, my attention started to wander during science, but overall, you're making progress from two months ago: B+."
2:13 PM Jun 10th
You will be missed. Your way of thinking has affected my approach to everything I do.

I enjoyed being able to communicate with you directly. To say something you found interesting and responded to thoughtfully, or something stupid that you responded to with your trademark charm and tact.

I will miss dropping in to the interesting exchanges here, but especially I will miss your long form explorations of questions that interested you. The facts unearthed and your writing were consistently interesting. But it was especially helpful to see behind the curtain. How you approach thing. How you freely point out the shortcomings in your own work. And how that leads to evolution in your methods. And how it is always grounded in the real thing you are looking at, not the numbers themselves.

It’s been cool. Thanks
1:54 PM Jun 10th
Sayhey: I went to the same elementary school as R. Christgau, a few years behind, and he evidently had been so remarkable that some of the teachers would sometimes reference him, probably to both the pride and chagrin of his little sister who was in those classes of mine.
1:14 PM Jun 10th
Sorry to hear this. I've sent in lots of "Hey Bills" (under my own name, not the "sayhey" handle), had probably 80-90% of them answered, and just loved knowing that I could send one in at any time. As I recently mentioned in one of my own books, having the option of corresponding online with you, and with music writers Greil Marcus and Robert Christgau--both of whom have similar forums for reader questions--more than makes up for some of the more annoying realities of the internet. I wish Pauline Kael had lived long enough to set up an "Ask Pauline."

First thing you have to do is give Citizen Kane another look. It's about the least pretentious great film ever made!
12:36 PM Jun 10th
It is hard not to respond to this news selfishly, to see it as my loss. I have enjoyed this site so much over the years, I feel like my favorite restaurant is closing down. Sticking with that theme, I choose instead to remember all the fine meals you have given me, and raise a glass to you in all your future endeavors, which I shall eagerly await!
11:56 AM Jun 10th
(....go out of my way to look at)
11:38 AM Jun 10th
Bill -- It's been mentioned on Reader Posts that the closing of this site would leave no ready source for Win Shares.
That's yet another thing we'd miss, big time.

I would hope that something like this site's Win Share sourcing would be picked up somewhere or by somebody.
BTW, IMHHHO, no need to worry much about this being an 'older' system, including that it's without Loss Shares (which IMHHHO aren't at all necessary anyway).
The 'older' system, as it appears on this site, is IMHHHO the very best large metric that exists. I look at it regularly, and it's the onliest large metric that I go out of my to look at.
11:37 AM Jun 10th
As a retired high school baseball coach and reader of yours for the past forty years, I thank you. A great run.
10:51 AM Jun 10th
This is indeed a sad day. There are few websites where I look forward to looking at each and every day. There are few websites where I even bother to look at each and every day. BJOL is one of those few.

As MarisFan61 and Gfletch indicated, I also hope you can find a way to enable the site to remain in existence, even if only as an archive where paying subscribers can still access.

The stats, stories, Q & A's are invaluable, would be extremely difficult if not impossible to replicate and very unlikely to be found anywhere else.

The site is also an invaluable venue for us to keep up-to-date on your other projects. (Not all of us are inclined to use Twitter.)

I will, of course, be looking forward to reading your other projects.

Best wishes and continued good health.
10:51 AM Jun 10th
Thanks for everything, Bill -- the site has been a treasure.

I echo GFletch in hoping that it will be archived in some way.
10:14 AM Jun 10th
Thank you for everything, Bill.
9:55 AM Jun 10th
I have really enjoyed it. Thank you.
9:35 AM Jun 10th
Oh, boy — more Bill James books to come!

Thanks for all the stimulation you have provided through this site. I’ve been a faithful reader since the Abstracts went mass market, and you have never failed to deliver. I’m sure your next projects will continue that streak.
8:55 AM Jun 10th
I'll miss looking in here regularly, but I'm glad to hear there are new books in the works, so I guess that's pretty much a wash. My favorite thing about this site is that it's the only place I know where Norm Cash and and Woody Held, Bob Allison and Vic Wertz, Lou Klimchock and Jerry Lynch, Claude Osteen and Dave McNally are likely to pop in discussions at any time. It's like they're all still hanging around here. I wonder where they'll all go now.

8:26 AM Jun 10th
You are indeed a "TERRIBLE businessman" because you charged your subscribers pocket change when we would have gladly payed exponentially more. We never expected you to work for free. The content you provided was TREMENDOUS!
8:08 AM Jun 10th
Thank you for the time that you have given us.
8:07 AM Jun 10th
Might have known - you did Abstract for a limited time, then Baseball Book, then Gold Mine . . . plus the hardbacks and articles collections . . . I have them all.

You've done some astonishing things on this site -- the Big Games study stands out as absolutely revelatory information from existing stats - no whizbang formulas, just the facts ma'am.

In the greatest lecture I ever heard as a USC undergrad, the prof told us -- the truth is in front of you already, you just don't see it yet; it's my job to pull the scales away from your eyes, so that you WILL see what's already there. That's what you've done for us for 40+ years, Bill, and we are grateful.
5:14 AM Jun 10th
It's been a pleasure, Bill. Thanks.

Now I have to find something to do while neglecting my job. Son of a...


I assume the site will be archived in some manner accessible to any with an interest? There's a lot of precious metals in that massive pile of earth for future baseball archaeologists to sift through.
4:31 AM Jun 10th
Brock Hanke
I am going to miss this terribly. Will you still have any day-to-day venues for people who want to keep contact? I think you have a twitter account, although I don't know what you call it. Will there be anything else?
4:21 AM Jun 10th
As someone who has read every one of your books and almost everything you have posted on this website I just want to add my thanks for the work you have done

Write whatever you want, of course, but selfishly I would like to see you write more on baseball history. One of the things sorely lacking in today's sabermetric world is a knowledge of the history of baseball and how the game was actually played and changed through the years. You have a deep knowledge of this aspect of baseball and I would love for you to share more of it.

Now who do we talk to about getting you into the HOF?
4:18 AM Jun 10th
Thanks for all of the articles and Hey Bills over the years.

Like Elliott, I'm thinking that I need to finish researching & writing a couple of big projects so that I can post them on Reader Posts.
3:24 AM Jun 10th
Damn that's sad note. This site is the best place that I've found on the Internet. I've enjoyed reading your stuff and the boys. I've enjoyed participating in the discussions. I'm gonna miss you all. Good Luck. I'll be looking forward to your new books. See ya. A Constant Reader.
1:44 AM Jun 10th
Speaking as a person who is in one of the fields that you reference, I can tell you that your methods and thought processes have helped me to do as good a job as I can, certainly better than I would have done otherwise and perhaps better than many, and that important aspects of those kinds of thought processes aren't much taught in school. It's what I've meant when I've said what perhaps seemed like an ass-kissing thing that you ought to be a Nobel Prize candidate -- that your thought processes can contribute importantly to areas 'even more important' than baseball. (As though there is such a thing.) :-)

I hope you might find some way to enable this site to continue, perhaps without occupying so much of your attention and existence.

Above all, I'm sure that I'm only joining everyone else here in thanking you for the opportunity to have this site, and in wishing you all the best personally and in achieving the ends that you talk about here.
1:39 AM Jun 10th
Thank you for the joy and stimulation you have inspired. Reckon I need to get off my ass, complte and post some of the many projects I have laying around incomplte.
1:32 AM Jun 10th
"Say it ain't so, Bill....."
1:28 AM Jun 10th
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