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This is the heart of Bill James Online, where Bill and friends share their latest thoughts, experiences and research. Articles marked with a padlock are only available to BJOL subscribers. In order to read all the articles as well as all future articles as soon as they're posted, subscribe today by clicking here!


There are 186 articles available here.
(May 27, 2021)
Have a ball.
(May 18, 2021)
Fun With Excel
(Apr 23, 2021)
A review of Erik Sherman's TWO SIDES OF GLORY
(Apr 16, 2021)
What the bees leave on your fruits and vegetables that you don’t want to know about.
(Apr 01, 2021)
A long review containing a short section about baseball, including a sort-of tracer
(Mar 20, 2021)
Followup to "Aukward Memories"
(Mar 16, 2021)
I know, I know, I said I'd stop doing tracers.....
(Mar 01, 2021)
An Unnecessary Rant
(Feb 20, 2021)
a few short steps into the past
(Feb 10, 2021)
“Come, bustle, bustle, caparison my horse!”
(Jan 31, 2021)
In for a schilling, out for a pound.
(Jan 20, 2021)
Just your average book review
(Jan 14, 2021)
More mush from the wimp. It does have the virtue of being only about 1000 words this time.
(Jan 11, 2021)
A review, after a rather discursive start
(Dec 14, 2020)
A little nuts-and-bolts (mostly nuts) discussion on the writing of biographies
There are 186 articles available here.
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