Quick Poll Comment

May 20, 2019

Quick Poll Comment, May 20, 2019


            I’m almost going to skip the Poll Update today, because NO ONE moved up or down more than two points as a result of yesterday’s poll.   Seth Moulton won the poll with 36%, but that moved him up only one point.  Moulton and Marianne Williamson over-achieved a little bit and moved up a point or two; Delaney and Messam under-achieved a little bit (based on previous polls), and lost one point each.  Nothing really changed. 


COMMENTS (3 Comments, most recent shown first)

Like the answer in (I think) Annie Hall to Are you afraid of death? ...Well I'm scared of it --
"Interesting distinction." :-)

To the extent that they're different, here's my best take on what you're asking:
Bill has NO "aim, purpose, or goal" of these polls, except maybe the slightest incidental curiosity.
It's just a subject of convenience, and it's for dry-running a method.
11:12 AM May 21st
Steven Goldleaf
Personally, I'm not interested in learning what Bill's "central, 'real' interest" in this project is. More like "what's the aim, the purpose, the goal of these polls?" They might seem similar, but I think they're very distinct lines of inquiry.
11:01 AM May 21st
Quick comment comment: :-)

Not that you need to answer it -- of course you don't -- but your not answering the question about what's your central, 'real' interest in doing this seems in itself to be a significant partial answer.
I'm guessing that it confirms my guess (yes, 2 guesses in there) that it's something other than the overt subject matter -- because if it were, it would be easy enough for you to say, Well it's just what it is - it's the overt subject matter.

The main non-subject-matter thing would seem to be that what you're mainly doing is testing/dry-running a method.

I don't expect you to answer now or soon, but I figure we'll see it from you eventually.
7:47 PM May 20th
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