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There are 1027 articles available here.
(Nov 15, 2021)
Giving credit to overlooked seasons of MVP quality.
(Oct 24, 2021)
Some revisions to the previous article.
(Oct 20, 2021)
A 1 to 30 ranking.
(Oct 14, 2021)
It's a book crunch. I've had them for 45 years now.
(Sep 27, 2021)
What does one do with a tiny bit of disembodied knowledge?
(Sep 17, 2021)
Yogi Berra and Javy Baez. Not really the same.
(Sep 15, 2021)
This is a rather long article, 9,000+ words. I might suggest that you read it in two or three sittings.
(Sep 01, 2021)
Trust me; I'm trying to help. Maybe I am just not good at it.
(Aug 13, 2021)
Still sort of have my foot caught in the Joe Morgan trap.
(Aug 10, 2021)
A couple of thoughts after I posted the series.
(Aug 09, 2021)
Just space for you to comment
(Aug 07, 2021)
I remember Jeff
(Aug 06, 2021)
This is my third try at posting this. Wish me luck. 'x" is in the title is just so that the software doesn't realize it is that same article again.
(Aug 06, 2021)
Same article as "Hello", for those of you who saw that one.
(Aug 06, 2021)
A stub of an article
There are 1027 articles available here.
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