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This is the heart of Bill James Online, where Bill and friends share their latest thoughts, experiences and research. Articles marked with a padlock are only available to BJOL subscribers. In order to read all the articles as well as all future articles as soon as they're posted, subscribe today by clicking here!


There are 2222 articles available here.
(Apr 03, 2021)
John takes a look at the signing of Andy Dalton in Chicago and whether he represents an upgrade at QB.​
(Apr 03, 2021)
Mark explains how the Cardinals could repeat as the best defensive team in baseball this season.
(Apr 01, 2021)
A long review containing a short section about baseball, including a sort-of tracer
(Mar 31, 2021)
Gazing into the crystal ball for a long-awaited season.
(Mar 24, 2021)
Some unexpected risers for 2021, and the teams we should be pessimistic about.
(Mar 20, 2021)
Followup to "Aukward Memories"
(Mar 20, 2021)
Your participation is requested for a fun Hall of Fame survey that captures what's important to YOU!​
(Mar 17, 2021)
The Pirates may not have a whole lot going on with the bat this season but their rebuild should at least be exciting defensively.
(Mar 16, 2021)
I know, I know, I said I'd stop doing tracers.....
(Mar 14, 2021)
Actual research about the Giants' problems at shortstop in the 1960s.
(Mar 12, 2021)
Reporting on someone else's research.
(Feb 26, 2021)
It's never too early to start talking NFL draft, is it?
(Feb 25, 2021)
(Feb 25, 2021)
Do we praise Marcus Semien, or bury him?
(Feb 20, 2021)
a few short steps into the past
There are 2222 articles available here.
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